Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Museum of Photographic Arts, Balboa Park

The pictures at this gallery where all interesting in their own way. I enjoyed every picture because they all had their perks. I recognized an artist that we have seen in class Sally Mann. It feels cool to recognize an artist after watching some work in class. One of the images that my grandma and I thought was very interesting and nice was by the artist Neil Folberg. The picture is named "Sacred Lake near the Temple of Amon, Egypt." I think this one was one of my favorite ones because it looks so mysterious, because of it's misty, foggy look, and in the background you can see the sillouette of the pyramids, which I think are one of the most beautiful wonders of the world. In the lake you can see the reflection of the clouds, palm trees, and the pyramids, which makes it look like there drawn in.

Another image that I just liked for it's simplicity, and because the people in the picture where wonderful, talented artist themselves is the picture is by Edward Weston 1930 "Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo." It's a simple black and white picture of both Diego and Frida. Sometimes the more simple things are the better. I personally like this picture because I think these two where a wonderful pair with talent and a crazy love, hate relationship. Frida was a strong latino women with a strong drive to be successful as an artist and to make her relationship work. Diego was a womanizer and a talented artist. Their paintings expressed their feelings and emotions. That is why I chose this picture as one of my favorite ones of this gallery.

The other image that I really liked for it's creativity, and bright colors is by the artist Masumi Hayashi, "The Saint and The Market Place, Meenakshi Temple, India. This pcture reminded me of the panoramics we are doing in class because it's a lot of picture put together to make a collage. The Collage has a similarity to the panoramics because the pictures have to overlap in order to see the what's going on in the picture. This picture was very interesting. It seems like a lot of work, but fun to create.

Overall, I had a wonderful experience visiting the exhibits with my grandmother and nephew. There was a lot of wonderful things to see and enjoy the beauty, and the not so beutiful. I can't find any of the images I liked in the exhibit, and unfortunately they don't let you take photos therefore; I can't share a picture. I will add though pictures I took of Balboa Park.

The Ordover Gallery @ The San Diego Natural History Museum

Today I decided to go to Balboa Park to enjoy the art galleries. I took my grandma and my nephew and we had a wonderful time. All three of us enjoyed the beauty of San Diego Balboa Park, and the amazing images of the galleries. In the Ordover Gallery I had a lot of favorite pictures from different artists. I know we had to choose two artist, but it was hard to choose only two.

Some of my favorite pictures where taken by Mr. Ordover in example the picture of two pinguens named "Love." I thought this picture was so beautiful, and it just reminds you that even animals have feelings and know how to love. My nephew liked the pinguen pictures as well he said they remind him of the movie "Happy Feet" which I thought was cute because he made a connection with the pengins to the children's movie.

Paul Nicklen was another of my favorite artist in this gallery. His images of the Polar Bears where so captivating. The images show the life of a polar bear as a cub and as an adult. The water and ice surrounding them looks so beautiful. Walking into that Arctic Gallery made me a little cold!

The other pictures that I truly liked because they where just absolutely mesmirizing where named Pegasus and Pegasus III. I think I missed writing the name of the artist, but I truly loved them. These pictures where pictures of horses in like a dark,foggy,mist.

I had a wonderful time walking this amazing gallery, and I also got to enjoy the Volcano exhibit, and the fossils exhibit on the second floor. Go out there an experience it for yourself if you haven't yet.

Jim Brandenburg One Photo for 90 Days

This guys is trully passionate for his job! It was amazing to watch his 90 Day Journal and I'm very excited I had the experience to see his breathtaking images. Jim is so determined to get the perfect picture for the day. He had the most amazing opportunity to take pictures for National Geographic of wild animals. I loved all of his pictures, but my favorite ones where the animal pictures. I liked how he said that the animals got accustomed to him and his camp.It seems as though they accepted him living in their territory, and saw him as harmless. I think they new he wasn't there to harm them, but rather capture their innocent beauty. One thing Jim said that captivated me was that he considers himself one of them because he hunts for that one image a day as deers hunt for their prey. One of the images I thought was remarkable was his first picture of a fox at age 14. Tell me what 14 year old goes out in the wilderness, and takes a picture of a wild animal face to face. He had wonderful encounters with different types of wild animals such as: lions, wolves, elephants, and so on. Jim is an inspiring, and humble person which I believe helps him take all does amazing pictures.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Well as I mentioned before I wanted to do my panoramic on Petco Park, but I changed my mind and decided to do the Coronado Bridge which I absolutely love! I was very excited, but it turned out that the images in the middle of my panoramic didn't overlap :( bummer!! I'm going to go out there during spring break, and try my hardest to get it right this time. It's not as easy as it looks. I will still post a picture so you guys can see the beauty of the Coronado Bridge.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just Playing Around

These are some of the images I played around with in class. Today I learned how to use the clone tool Thanks Kai!! I'm just practicing manipulating my pictures in camera raw and photoshop. As you can see there not all that great, but I'm not an expert, and I'm just learning how to give images life. Hope I can get better by the end of the semester. I plan to do my panoramic on Petco Park hopefully it works. My second accordian card I think I'm going to do it o flowers, and my book as I already talked about it in class I want to do it on my passion which is Ballet.

Richard Misrach

I thought that Richard Misrach's were interesting because he takes pictures of things, and places that I wouldn't think of and maybe even photographer's wouldn't consider taking pictures off. He had some pictures that captivated me in a good way, and some pictures that captivated me in a bad way. In example the pictures with the cattle was one of the pictures that caught my attention, but not because I liked it, but because it was pretty sad to see all does dead animals. The pictures that I personally thought were awesome were the night dessert pictures. I thought he did a great job on does pictures because it brought the attention to the cactus, palm tree, and the dessert sand. I believe it's good to have artist take pictures of things that are not necessarily beautiful. I think he took these pictures too let people know that such places do exist.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sally Mann

I thought Sally's pictures of her children were beautiful pictures! I can definitely see why she had a passion for taking pictures of her children. They are gorgeous and super intense. You can see the professionalism of does pictures, and by no means were they taken in a not inoccent way. I really liked her work, and thought she did a wonderful, and clean job with does pictures. I saw her portfolio as a family project because her husband supported her through everything and her children cooperated the whole time. Her children love their mother's, and see her dedicated and passionate, hard work.

I see it as something natural to take pictures of your children naked when their little. As a matter of fact I have pictures of my brother and I taking a bubble bath that my mom took, but they're the most purest and innocent pictures. I guess it all depends on your background, and the way you were raised. I agree with Sally on her comment about her growing up and running around naked the whole time and looking at it as the most natural thing. When my nephew was a toddler he hated wearing clothes, and loved running around naked. I remember my mother and I struggling to put some clothes on, so as a proud aunty since day one I would take pictures of his every move to document and have beautiful memories to show him later when he would grow up.

I can also see the other side of the picture, and understand why people would get offended by Sally's images. I guess the way society is now with all that child pornography, and all that crazy stuff going around some people would see it as offensive or sickening, but I believe everyone should have an open mentality, and see the full picture before judging people. I saw the images as a beautiful, intense work of art, but other people will see it a different way. Her work is amazing, and it has inspired me in many ways.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Collier Schorr

Collier Schorr's Images were pretty interesting. Personally I liked the wrestling pictures more than the soldier pictures. I thought the wrestling pictures seemed more natural than the other ones. To be honest at first I was like, " Oh okay, cool pictures" I don't think I got a appreciation for her work until we discussed the images and her message in depth. After discussing her video in class I agree with Faith's comment. She said that if she would have seen Collier's Images displayed in a gallery she wouldn't know what the pictures were about. If I were to just see these images in a gallery I would say cool it's kids in a high school wrestling team, but I wouldn't get the actual message behind it. Maybe that's part of the way Collier works. I can see how Collier want it to bring out the typical stereotype in boys in her work.

What I liked the most was the pictures of the boy posing like a woman when he thought he was playing a role sometimes the pose came out naturally. That's were the idea of men also having a feminine side to them came out. As I saw the images I can see through her eyes, and see that if she were to be a boy she would be a wrestler or a soldier. My personal opinion is that maybe she even grew up with gender issues. I say this because her physical appearance looked masculine to me, but maybe that's just her style, and off course she has a feminine side. Every women has a feminine side to them. Many kids go through identity or maybe even gender issues in their adolescence. Now I put myself in her shoes and think what would I have wanted to be if I was a boy?....... I think I would love to be a good athlete such as, a soccer or football player. I consider myself extremely feminine, (which some people stereotype me as girly-girl) but I also have my masculine aggressive, very competitive side. Overall, I learned to appreciate her work, and see her reasons for it.

Roni Horn

I Love this image by Roni Horn of Still Water, it seems very peaceful. I can picture sitting in front of a pond reading a book and watching the water move with the breeze. The other images that I thought were interesting was the water library picture's in the Library of Iceland. I thought it was pretty cool to have water be the art displayed in a library. It seems very soothing and relaxing. Water would be a great element to add to libraries. I believe that the soothing feel of water can help people concentrate as they're studying, working on something, or just reading. That's why I love reading when I'm at a pool, at the beach, or by a lake or pond.